23 Oct 2007


Here is for a change a spread from my current sketchbook. These are doodles in preparation for a cartoon about electrocution by solar energy...

22 Oct 2007


This drawing of a DURST condenser enlarger arose in the darkroom of my college (of course by light ;-)). It was the day after a drinking binge (Grenzquell Pilsner!), so the term DURST was a littlebit ambiguously (german: Durst = english: thirst). For that reason DURST was my Word of the day... O-oh...

20 Oct 2007

The poesy of banality

A spread without words...

10 Oct 2007

Grenzquell Pilsner

An innocent empty crate of "Grenzquell Pilsner" - the cause of my disheveled condition on 11/11/2001... Uh, oh... need more ice!

9 Oct 2007

Cooking is fun!

At saturday the 10th of november 2001 I awaited guests and motivated by the chopstick experience at the chinese restaurant two days before I tried to cook an Asian dinner myself... It should arise something like chicken with vegetables I guess. The two hens at the left page below scream "Gertrude, look out!" but Gertrude only sighs.