16 Nov 2006

Welcome to Ivo's Sketchblog

So, here I am! Inspired by the sketchbook-blogs of Mattias Adolfson and Tommy Kane I decided to start my own sketchblog today.
I draw in sketchbooks since I started drawing at all at the age of 27 (the beginning of my so called "second life"). I prefer sketchbooks to single sheets of paper because this way I can be sure to never lose a sketch or an idea... Until now there are 10 different books filled with serious, funny and crazy stuff.
Here they are:

A look inside:
For the beginning I will show material from this older books at first, perhaps more current stuff in the future. I try to post as often as possible, so it would be nice to see you again!

As I mentioned above I am a fan of the artwork of Tommy Kane from New York. A few weeks ago I spotted two surprising drawings on his blog. I was astonished to see that an artist in another part of the world has drawn almost exactly the same as I did. These are drawings of a toy-robot and and a barbeque-grill. Here are the versions from my sketchbooks:

And here is Tommy Kane's robot and the grill. The toy-robot seems to be exactly the same model. The grills are similar regarding the angle of view and how we cutted off of the wheel...
That's it for the beginning!


At 17/11/2006, 15:09, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ein sehr interessantes Projekt! Man könnte es auch Bibelblog nennen, denn Skizzenbücher sind ja bekanntlich heilig.

Hast Du wirklich erst mit 27 angefangen zu zeichnen?

At 17/11/2006, 15:16, Blogger Ivo said...

Zu deiner Frage: Ja, leider.

At 17/11/2006, 19:06, Blogger kane said...

I love your blog. This is a great idea to show your fantastic work. I'm happy you did this. I'll be stopping by alot.

At 18/11/2006, 17:24, Blogger digitus said...

Klasse, Ivo, vielen Dank, dass Du uns gewissermaßen ins Nähkästchen gucken lässt - mehr davon!!!

At 19/11/2006, 17:13, Blogger Ivo said...

@tommy: Thanks a lot for this nice compliment. I'll do my very best for your enjoyment :-)

@digitus: Ich hab zu danken, dass du dir die Zeit nimmst, hier zu stöbern. Jetzt entdeckst du vielleicht ein weiteres Paralleluniversum... ;-)

At 22/11/2006, 11:31, Blogger Felicity Grace said...

What amazing work you do! I can't believe you started so late - why so? Did you have a love of drawing before?

At 26/11/2006, 18:36, Blogger Ivo said...

@felicity: Thanks for stopping by! I started to draw so late because I never felt the urge to draw before. But of course I'd drawn a lot as a child and in my school days so strictly speaking it was only a 10-years-break from drawing.


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